Best of Festival Award – WRPN.TV Webisode Festival

Frozen Dead won an award of Exceptional Merit from the Depth of Field Film Festival
We received official selection status today from WGWC which is the global Webisode competition. We’ll know in mid-April if we win an award in that competition.
Frozen Dead creators explain the background for this extraordinary TV series.
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From the bizarre story of a frozen Norwegian comes a new story of life, death, and cryonics. Nederland writer, Jim McVey, filmmaker William Garrison, and promoter, Teresa Crush-Warren are producing a fictional TV series where Nederland becomes the epicenter of an illegal cryonics industry where people come to be frozen before death.
“Frozen Dead”™ builds on the dark, comic folklore of Frozen Dead Guy Days festival™ which has its 16th reanimation March 10th to 12th. Teresa Crush-Warren, co-founder of the festival and Frozen Dead© business partner is excited about this new venture. “Life is stranger than fiction. But in this case fiction takes real life to dark depths. Frozen Dead carries the story to new places where cryonics and mountain culture meet.”
Director, William Garrison writes, “There is a whole cryonics industry selling false hope that death can be somehow reversed. They’re freezing people who are already dead. But in our fictional story people come to Nederland to be frozen before necrosis and cellular decomposition takes place. They come to be frozen while they are still alive!”
Auditions for the key characters will take place Sunday March 5 from 10:45 to 1:45 in the Boulder Ballet space at the Dairy Center for Performing Arts in Boulder. Auditions will be held Wednesday, March 8th 12pm-5pm at the Bug Theater in Denver. Auditioners can check the website for character sides.
The production team will hold a press conference March 11th during the festival in the main tent at 10:00 am to announce characters cast to date and some other surprises. Shooting for the TV pilot is anticipated to be complete by summer 2017.
The script for the TV pilot was written by Jim McVey of Eldora. He is a freelance writer and author of three books including The Wild Upriver and Other Stories, Martha Maxwell: Natural History Pioneer and The Way Home: Essays on the Outside West. Jim’s short stories and essays have appeared in literary journals around the world. The director for Frozen Dead is William Garrison whose public service projects have aired on PBS and major networks. He has produced documentaries on social issues, drug addiction and infant mortality. One of his recent educational projects featured “The Legend of Nathan,” a Nederland mountain man who lived outside the modern world. Teresa Crush-Warren is the Production Manager for the venture. She has a close association with the FDGD™ festival and a plethora of experience in special events and media coordination. Having lived in the Nederland area for 35 years and managed FDGD™for its first seven years, she has had close ties with all the characters through the years who have been involved in making the festival a LEGEND.
LEGEND happens to be the theme of this year’s BLUE Ball on the night of March 10th. Go to for more information on this year’s festival. For more information on the TV series or to schedule an audition, visit FrozenDead,org. Media inquiries can be sent to